
The 30 60 90 Day Plan – How To Make It Work

The 5% InstituteSales Management The 30 60 90 Day Plan – How To Make It Work
30 60 90 day sales plan for sales

The 30 60 90 Day Plan – How To Make It Work

If you’re new to a role, or perhaps you’ve just made a new hire – you may be familiar with a concept called the 30 60 90 Day Plan.


So, what is the plan and how does it work?


And how do you effectively write it out?


In this article, we’ll explore what a 30 60 90 Day Plan is, why they can be effective, and what you should include in each part of the plan.



The 30 60 90 Day Plan – How To Make It Work



What Is A 30 60 90 Day Plan?



A 30 60 90 Day Plan is a step by step system, to give you clarity on what you need to achieve within the first 30, 60, then 90 days.


It can be used as a new employee, as an employer to give clarity on a new employee’s role, or even when starting a business.



Why The 30 60 90 Day Plan Can Be Effective



A 30 60 90 Day Plan can be quite effective because it gives you clarity on what’s important, and what needs to be achieved by a certain date.


When starting a new role, hiring a new employee, or starting a business; things can easily become distracting, and it doesn’t take much to lose focus of what you need to learn or achieve.


The plan makes it easy to break down what needs to achieve within the first month, in two months, and then the first three.


Focus is one of the most important things when starting something new.


By getting clarity in regard to exactly what you need to achieve, it’ll be easier to make your aspirations into a reality.



What Should You Include In Your 30 60 90 Day Plan?



Before you should start your 30 60 90 Day Plan, it’s important to ask yourself four key questions prior to putting pen to paper.






The first, is what’s the purpose? What are you trying to achieve, and why?


By getting clarity on what your mission and vision, you’ll get an emotional understanding of why you want to make whatever it is a success.


Emotional reasons are very important, because human beings make decisions based on emotion, and then justify them logically.


If your goals are purely logical, it will be easy to give up when things become hard. Anchor the purpose and meaning with emotion, and you’ll have a better reason as to why you want to succeed.






What is important to achieve within the next month, two months and the first three?


Identify what goals need to be achieved, to make the purpose and outcome real.


Goals are an important ingredient to add to your 30 60 90 Day Plan, so it’s best to work these out before.


To learn how to set goals the right way, check out the related article below for more detail.


Related article: How To Set Goals The Right Way






Once you’ve confirmed the key goals that you’d like to achieve, it’s time to start prioritising.


First you should identify what needs to be completed within the first three months, and what can potentially wait until later.


When you have a list of what you’d like to keep – prioritise them in what you’d need to learn first, second, and then of course last. This will help you when writing out your 30 60 90 Day Plan.


Secondly, it’s also helpful to work backwards.


Ask yourself what you’d like to achieve in 90 days, and then work backwards with what will need to happen within the first 60 days, and 30 days to make the goal achieved by month three.






Peter Drucker once famously said, “What gets measured, gets managed”, and he was 100% correct.


If you set up your 30 60 90 Day Plan but don’t measure and track your progress, you’ll end up with a half complete outcome by the end of the three months.


Measure how you’re tracking on a weekly basis, and add goals, subtract goals, or pivot if need be.


This will help you stay on course and reach your targets.



What To Include In The First 30 Days



This will very much depend on your individual goals, scenario and personal circumstance.


However, below is a list of certain questions to ask to stay on track and potential add to your 30 60 90 Day Plan:


  • Have you undergone the right training?
  • If you’re selling an item, do you have a sales targeting strategy?
  • Do you have a marketing plan, and are you familiar with it?
  • Who is the competition?
  • What simple, low hanging fruit can you achieve now to make the next three months easier?
  • Do you know your USP – or unique selling proposition?



What To Include In The Next 60 Days



In the first two months, there’ll be a greater expectation that you know your competition, your clients, your team, and have clarity on key goals and outcomes.


You may think about adding the following to your 30 60 90 Day Plan:


  • Do you know how to consistently generate leads?
  • Are you using a consistent sales process?
  • Have you shadowed other team members, if applicable?
  • If available, what does the customer feedback say – and what can you learn, add or change?
  • What other training is needed to help you get to the next stage?



What To Include In The Next 90 Days?



This symbolises a completion of the ‘on boarding process’ and will help you feel right as to whether you’ve been successful in the 30 60 90 Day Plan.


Here, you want to self-reflect on what has worked, what hasn’t, and what are the next steps to make your priority list.


Some questions to ask may be:


  • Do you need a team; if so, who needs to be on it?
  • If you have a team, have you sought feedback yet?
  • Have you reached out to your existing client base, and started building a better relationship with them?
  • What areas do you need to pivot with?
  • Have you identified what clearly needs quick action, and what is working well?
  • What has prevented you from achieving your goals?



Final Thoughts



A 30 60 90 Day Plan is a great tool to use to get clarity on what you need to achieve within the first three months.


As mentioned, this may be as a new employee, being hired, or even starting a business.


For best use, don’t necessarily wait for someone else to ask you to create one.


By using the initiative, you’ll be in a better position in the first three months then your competition who may not be using the plan.



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Our online course is perfect for sales consultants, sales professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs who want to sell more consistently, without being pushy or using outdated sales tactics.


If you want to learn more about our program, simply click the link below to find out how.


Our Online Sales Training Program – The 5% Sales Blueprint

Khabeer Rockley

Khabeer Rockley is a Sales & Business Trainer, and the Founder of The 5% Institute

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