
What Is NEAT Selling ™?

The 5% InstituteSales Process What Is NEAT Selling ™?
neat selling

What Is NEAT Selling ™?

NEAT Selling ™ is a step by step sales process and guiding principle, created by the Harris Consulting Group and Sales Hacker.


In this article, we’ll look at what NEAT Selling ™ stands for, whether it works or not, and the difference between NEAT Selling ™ and The 5% Sales Blueprint.



What Is NEAT Selling ™?



What Does NEAT Selling ™ Stand For?



Each letter of the NEAT Selling ™ acronym stands for a guiding principle; or framework to guide Sales Professionals when selling.


The ‘N’ in NEAT Selling ™ stands for needs. This focuses on learning about the needs of your potential client, and their pain points to find out whether they would benefit from your product or not.


‘E’ stands for economic impact. The aim of this is to learn what it is costing them by not making a change.


The ‘A’ in NEAT Selling ™ is access to authority. Speaking to decision makers is important, and this part of the process sis to get in contact with people who can make decisions.


‘T’ stands for timeline; which is to guide you in learning about the time frame of the sale and putting together a timeline for when the sale can take place.



Does NEAT Selling ™ Work?



Simply put; the acronym is a great guide on what Sales Professionals should concentrate on when speaking with potential clients, and yes it does work.


I like the fact that they’ve kept the acronym simple and focusing on some of the core ingredients needed to win more sales. This makes it easy to remember.


However – very much like other sales acronyms, such as NEAT Selling ™, SPIN Selling and SNAP Selling; it all comes down to the Sales Professional using the guiding principle’s wisely and correctly and going into all sales conversations with the goal of serving your prospects, ensuring they’re the right fit.


There are many sales models out there, and most of them do in fact work. Like mentioned, more importantly is learning the key fundamentals and psychology behind how they work, and then implementing that into your sales process.



The 5% Sales Blueprint – Our Online Sales Program



The 5% Institute has our own online sales training program, called The 5% Sales Blueprint. Although NEAT Selling ™ has its own acronym, our program doesn’t; however, it’s still modelled on a start to finish sales process and guideline.


Our program is designed for Sales Professionals and Business Owners who want to position themselves in the marketplace as a Specialist, a Trusted Source, and a Consultative Adviser.


The steps of The 5% Sales Blueprint are:


  • Goal setting for success
  • Sales psychology
  • The importance of following a sales process
  • Building rapport
  • Setting pre-frames
  • Power questions
  • The pain process
  • Future pacing and pleasure
  • Talking about money impact, plus what they’ll pay to resolve the problem
  • Presenting
  • Handling objections
  • Closing


Plus these bonuses:


  • Inbound lead generation techniques
  • Outbound lead generation techniques


The program has been designed in this way, to help both Sales Professionals and Business Owners learn how to generate leads (whether inbound or outbound), and then guide them on how to enrol those prospects into clients.



Want To Close Sales Easier?



Are you committed to closing sales a lot easier, and consistently?


If so, you should check out our self-paced and affordable online sales training program; The 5% Sales Blueprint.


It’ll give you everything you need to close sales consistently.


To learn more, simply click on the link below for more information.


Our Online Sales Training ProgramThe 5% Sales Blueprint.

Khabeer Rockley

Khabeer Rockley is a Sales & Business Trainer, and the Founder of The 5% Institute

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