
5 Persuasive Words That Make Lukewarm Prospects Into Hot Buyers!

The 5% InstituteClosing 5 Persuasive Words That Make Lukewarm Prospects Into Hot Buyers!
5 Pursuasive words that make lukewarm prospects into hot buyers

5 Persuasive Words That Make Lukewarm Prospects Into Hot Buyers!

When it comes down to writing persuasive sales letters, blog posts or social media ads, you need to ensure you’re using powerful and persuasive words that’ll have a person want to take some course of action.


Now no doubt effective copywriting is an art in its own form – however the most talented marketers and copywriters know which words to use that makes their readers excited, what lifts their emotional state, and what words convert well to make readers into action takers and buyers.


The power of words and their meaning can be an amazing asset if you use them correctly. What we’ll be covering in this article, is a series of words that’ll turn window shopping, lukewarm prospects, into clients who’ll want to buy!


Now what’s interesting is some of these words that we’ll be covering, although very effective – wouldn’t seem that powerful or persuasive at all!


However, that’s why they are in fact so persuasive. The fact that they’re slight and fly right under the radar, is what makes them work so well.


And you might be surprised just how effective these persuasive and simple words can be.


Below I’ve created a list of these words, and detailed why they’re persuasive too so you can understand the context behind each.


Please Note: In order for these words to work their magic, it’s important to use them sparingly on your ads, sales letters or blog posts. If you overdo it and use it everywhere, you’ll create pattern recognition with your reader which will make it lose its charm.


Use them wisely, and within the right context each time.


Now, to the words!



1 – New


The reason why the word New is effective on your ads or landing pages, is because human beings are wired in a way to seek out new things – we’re naturally curious beings.


New will excite the reader’s curiosity to want to learn and discover more, so it’s great to use if you’re seeking some kind of call to action.


If you’re a Real Estate Agent selling an aged property, find out prior to the demonstration what new features the house has, and more importantly what that new feature will mean for the client if they own the home. People don’t buy benefits or features, but rather buy what it will end up meaning if they own that benefit or feature.


I’ll caution you though – new is something you don’t want to keep using. People also naturally like stability and consistency, so you don’t want to overdo the word new when advertising. Use it for curiosity, like a new method, or new type of checklist to get their interest.


If you’re an older brand and what you’re doing is working well, you’d want to be careful about where you use the word new, as you wouldn’t want to upset people about changing something they’re already liking or comfortable with.


Overall, the word new is a great one – just use it sparingly, to garner curiosity when speaking, or on your ads, landing pages, and in person presentations and demonstrations.



2 – Imagine


Now the word imagine makes the list, because it allows your prospective client to visualise, without feeling like they’re making some actual commitment that they may regret later.


We’ve all bought things in the past that we later regretted, so naturally we want to avoid buyer’s remorse. So when a Sales Professional starts moving towards wrapping up, it’s common for sales resistance to start rearing it’s head in your prospective clients mind.


If you’re selling a home, it would work well to use the word imagine in situations to get your prospective client to see how they may set up their living room when you’re doing a home presentation or walkthrough, to imagine what it’ll be like not being stuck in traffic when dropping the kids off to school, or imagine having enough space to have a home office so they can work from home and spend more time with their family.


Getting your potential client to imagine what it will be like, will bring up positive thoughts and emotions in alignment with your service, product or solution.



3 – Your Clients Name


It turns out that people love hearing their own name!


According to recent research on brain activation, our brains light up in a positive way when we hear the sound of our own name. Because we attach our name to our own personal identity, when our name is mentioned it gives something more value, and makes us want to pay more attention.


Like the word New, you want to use a person’s name sparingly. Although powerful and persuasive when used here and there to keep attention, when it’s overdone it just feels annoying and too artificial.


Use it in long landing pages, email and one to one conversation.



4 – Instantly


The fact that we live in an era of instantly being able to get information literally by typing away or opting in at our fingertips, this one shouldn’t come as a surprise.


Add in the fact that human beings are wired to want instant gratification, and now you have a word that can persuade someone to take some form of call to action.


If you’re advertising for someone to optin on one of your ads or wanting someone to schedule a call, use the word instantly to persuade someone by letting them know they can get what they want sooner rather than later.


Use this one on your contact pages, your ads, landing pages, and in person demonstrations.



5 – Realise


Similar to imagine, the aim of using realise is to have someone change emotional states from where they’re currently at, to where you want them to be.


Once again let’s use a home demonstration example.


If I’m showing someone a property, and tell the potential client “As discussed, here’s the garage; as we walk through this area, what you’ll realise is there’s enough space for not only your two vehicles, but plenty of space to also store your gardening tools and equipment so you won’t even require a shed.”


The word realise creates an expectation of what something will be like – it’s a form of an embedded command. What you’ll be doing is using the world to tell them about what they can positively expect when they walk through the area.


They’ll not only focus on a big garage in this situation, but they’ll visualise their cars and gardening stuff stored away in that garage. They’ll see the images like it’s already a done thing. if this is something they’re looking for, then it’s another small step to getting them to see and realise that they’ll feel like if they purchase the property.


Realise isn’t only restricted to face to face conversation either – it can be used in your copy writing too.





As you can see, when used in the right context these words can be very persuasive and give you some pretty amazing results, depending on what you’re trying to sell.


It’s important though as mentioned, these words will only work depending on the context in which they’re used – so use them wisely, don’t overdo it, and use them in the right way, for the benefit of not only yourself but also importantly your potential client.


Let me also add while I’m at it – these words should be used if it will in fact benefit your potential customer, and not used to negatively manipulate someone to make a purchase that isn’t the right fit for them. Doing this, will hurt your brand in the long run, and more importantly get someone buying something that they’ll potentially regret later.


Use these ethically, and you’ll find these words will be awesome value to your personal word toolkit!



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Khabeer Rockley

Khabeer Rockley is a Sales & Business Trainer, and the Founder of The 5% Institute

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