
10 x Effective Virtual Presentation Tips You Need To Use

The 5% InstituteClosing 10 x Effective Virtual Presentation Tips You Need To Use
Effective Virtual Presentation Tips

10 x Effective Virtual Presentation Tips You Need To Use

Your virtual presentation – when executed correctly, this can be the difference between closing the deal, or getting another “I need to think about it” objection.


Your virtual presentation should be consistent, and something you can do confidently knowing that there’ll be a high chance your potential client will say yes to your product or service.


In this article, we’ll look at the ten effective virtual presentation tips to help you achieve both confidence, consistency, and win the sale.



10 x Effective Virtual Presentation Tips You Need To Use



#1 Of Your Effective Virtual Presentation Tips – The Right People



The first on your list of effective virtual presentation tips, is the initial work that you’ll need to do prior to the presentation.


What you do prior, will be more important than the actual presentation itself.


The reason being, is the work prior will ensure you’re presenting to the right people, that you learn their pain points, and you ask effective questions to learn where it is they or their company want as an outcome.


For example – many Sales Professionals and Business Owners follow the old method; which is meet with your potential clients, pitch – and hope something sticks.


The problem with model is what happens if you present your idea, and they answer that your presentation is great – but they’ll need to speak to the decision makers?


You’ve now wasted your time, and probably monetary investment, in speaking to people who aren’t the right qualified audience for you product or service..


It’s important to qualify who you’re presenting to prior, so that you know they’ll be in a decision to do something after your sales presentation.


This initial action is key, adding this to the list of effective virtual presentation tips.



#2 Of Your Effective Virtual Presentation Tips – Use Stories



The second on our list of effective virtual presentation tips, is to add stories into your presentation.


Stories have been a method of transferring information and giving examples and case studies for thousands of years, and storytelling isn’t going anywhere.


People have evolved to learn by stories, and an effective story can demonstrate how your product or service can help your potential clients.


Tell stories of case studies, people who have reaped the rewards of your products and services, and even stories about how your other clients got over their sales objections.


Some tips for telling a good story also include:


  • Ditch the detail; no one wants jargon or boring detail
  • Focus on the benefits and what this means
  • Talk about pain points and problems, and how people overcame this with your product or service



#3 Of Your Effective Virtual Presentation Tips – Use Pain



The third on the list of your effective virtual presentation tips, is a crucial one to add.


This is using pain, friction, and how your product or service alleviates these problems.


People buy for two reasons – to move away from pain, and to move towards pleasure and desire.


An important part of your sales process should be uncovering their individual or business’s pain points and learning what this means for them on a daily basis.


The 5% Sales Blueprint teaches a method called the ‘3 by 3 method’; which means you should at least uncover three important pain points they’re facing and then going three layers deep about how that particular pain point is affecting their daily lives.


Once you’ve learnt these pain points, you can effectively present your sales presentation to demonstrate how your product or service bridges the gaps of their pain, to the solution that they’re looking for.


The more pain you uncover, the more opportunity you can present how you solve this pain.



#4 – Use Desire



As mentioned, people buy to remove themselves of pain, and to move towards pleasure – or a desired outcome.


Desire is added to our list of effective virtual presentation tips, because this is the second needed ingredient to inch towards the sale.


During your sales process, you should also learn and uncover what it will mean when they own a solution.


It’s important to also understand, that people don’t buy products and services.


They buy what it will mean when they own it.


Demonstrate how your product or service gives them the desired outcome during your sales presentation.



#5 – Use Proof



Using proof is another important ingredient on the list of effective virtual presentation tips.


Proof can come in the shape of testimonials, case studies, and of course stories about people just like your potential client have now got what they desired, by investing in your products or services.


Testimonials and proof should be in your virtual presentation, on your website, and other printed material you may be using once you get to the closing presentation stage.



#6 Of Your Effective Virtual Presentation Tips – Present In Person



Presenting in person when done correctly, is another on the list of effective virtual presentation tips, because you use all your communication ratio options.


When people communicate, we use the following ratio:


  • 55% body language
  • 38% tonality
  • 7% words


This means that if your virtual presentation consists of only words – you’re leaving out a massive tonality and body language portion!


Effective virtual presentations consistent of either in person demonstrations and dialogue, or at least by using webcam or something similar when done remotely.


By presenting in person, you can demonstrate empathy a lot more effectively, and show that there’s a human being behind your business, rather than just another order taker.



#7 – Don’t Just Talk



An effective virtual presentation should encompass back and forward feedback and dialogue and look like a conversation.


When you’re doing all the talking, you risk not knowing whether what you’re saying is resonating with your potential clients or not.


However, when you use effective questions and tie-down techniques, you can gauge where your potential client is at, and whether or not your presentation is working.


By keeping a finger on the pulse of your virtual presentations, you can effectively change course of need be, and get a better understanding of how hot or cold they are in saying yes to the deal.



#8 – Be Visual



Death by PowerPoint is a term used to demonstrate poor presenting ability, and when there are too many words and not enough captivating imagery.


Being visual is one of the important and effective virtual presentation tips, because it prevents your presentation becoming a stale, boring slideshow.


Use graphs, infographic’s, and bright and contrasting images to keep their attention, and demonstrate your ability to solve their problems.


Websites like Canva for graphic design, and Unsplash for imagery and a great place to start to help you with this.



#9 Of Your Effective Virtual Presentation Tips – Get Feedback



Great Sales Professionals get regular feedback when presenting, adding this to the list of effective virtual presentation tips.


Getting feedback shouldn’t be something you wait until the end of your presentations to receive and should be mixed in as you bridge the gap between their pain and desires, and your products and services.


Feedback now only reinforces to them whether or not you’re on the right track, but also allows you to learn what is working and what isn’t, so that you can change course if necessary.


It also ensures you don’t make any assumptions, and to better communicate anything that may have been received incorrectly.



#10 Of Your Effective Virtual Presentation Tips – Keep It Short



One of the biggest mistakes you can make when presenting, is keeping it linger than it needs to be.


People are time poor, and delivering your virtual presentation effectively demonstrates that you’re respectful of their time, and makes you get to the point quicker.


Many Sales Professionals and Business Owners think that a one-hour time slot means you have an hour to present.


Instead – use at max 15 minutes to present how you solve their problems, what it will cost, and use the rest of the allocated time to open up the meeting for questions and areas of concern.


This way, you get them doing most of the talking – which you can use to help them sell themselves.



Final Thoughts



These ten effective virtual presentation tips will help you level up when presenting and asking for their business. To recap, they are:


  • The right people
  • Use stories
  • Pain
  • Desire
  • Use proof
  • Present in person
  • Don’t just talk
  • Be visual
  • Get feedback
  • Keep it short


Using these ten as a framework, will dramatically help you with your overall virtual presentation game.



Want To Close Sales Easier?



Are you committed to closing sales a lot easier, and consistently?


If so, you should check out our self-paced and affordable online sales training program; The 5% Sales Blueprint.


It’ll give you everything you need to close sales consistently.


To learn more, simply click on the link below for more information.


Our Online Sales Training ProgramThe 5% Sales Blueprint.

Khabeer Rockley

Khabeer Rockley is a Sales & Business Trainer, and the Founder of The 5% Institute

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